The Wonder of the Ordinary
Coming soon.
Creating a Meaningful and Integrated Curriculum
Making Lesson Plans (PDF)
Languages of Expression: Exploring A Rich Variety of Arts, Crafts, and Natural Materials
Coming soon.
Slowing Down Time: Making Learning Visible through Documentation
Coming soon.
Music and Storytelling
Children are captivated by music and stories. Music and storytelling are creative languages though which children can express themselves, and they are powerful vehicles through which life lessons, knowledge, and basic skills such as collaboration and literacy can be taught.
Young children like to explore sound – how to discriminate sound and how to make sound. They like listening to music and making music (singing or playing instruments). Some children combine music with movement, especially dance.
Similarly, young children like to hear stories and tell stories. They like to follow the story of characters who share their challenges and dreams. Parents and educators can relate stories that help children to work through areas of fear or trial in their life, and to show children new ways of thinking about and responding to them.
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